$257.00 USD

Confident Creative: Develop Your Own Personal Style

Watch over my shoulder and get an in-depth, raw view into my creative process, reflections, choice of materials, and techniques. Allow me to guide you toward finding your own style in your art using my best tips and simple secrets such as where I gain inspiration and how I complete what I start with confidence.

Throughout this course you will be working toward your own finished masterpiece, while simultaneously learning about process, gaining insights into your own thought patterns, preferences and the deliberate selection of materials and techniques that truly motivate you. Witness the evolution of your artwork and mine as you gain valuable knowledge on maintaining momentum and achieving artistic cohesion.

The culmination of this course showcases not only my approach to mistakes, the ugly phase, and the path to triumphant success, but also your own precious journey toward fruition and discovery of your voice in your final piece.

What you'll experience:

  • 8 comprehensive modules 
  • Modules include pre-recorded content 
  • A detailed story prompt from which to work, including descriptive language, color suggestions, and a template which are all optional
  • My secrets revealed on how to create your own story prompt and come up with your own ideas for unique art.
  • Developing your personal color palette. 
  • Exploring different mixed media techniques in order to pinpoint those with which you most resonate.
  • Multiple hands-on exercises and tutorials.

This is not just an art class with a final artwork completed at the end. This course includes comprehensive content in 6 different categories to support your dream of developing  your own style in mixed media. 

Due to the digital nature of this program, there are no refunds.